Inmate Claims Jailers Encouraged Beating

FRESNO, Calif. (CN) – Sheriff’s deputies in California’s Central Valley opened a cell door to let inmates join in the beating of an alleged child molester, the man claims in court. ____ ____ sued Tulare County on May 13, alleging assault and battery, failure to intervene and constitutional violations.

____, who had no prior criminal record, was arrested by Exeter police in 2014 on a warrant from Los Angeles County stemming from an alleged incident of inappropriate contact with a minor 12 years ago. The accuser was in her late 20’s when she made her claims, the complaint states. Full Article

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A few years ago, I was taking a class at a local community college. One of my fellow students was an officer for the Los Angeles Police Department. He admitted openly in class one time that when they arrested someone for a sex crime, they would make a point of announcing to the other inmates what the sex crime was. He also admitted that in doing so, he knew it was encouraging the other inmates to beat the one in for a sex crime.

I hope this guy gets every penny of his lawsuit and then some.

Are the correctional officers and other inmates being held accountable?

I hope that man gets every dime of that 15 million.

Wow 12 years ago.? I thought there was a six year statute of limitations . And yes I to hope he gets all that money.

Wow. This is not good.
I think the deputies should pay out of their own PERSONAL bank account NOT on the taxpayer’s account.

Theo Lacy in Orange County has a few Deputies who discriminate against inmates who are locked up for sex crimes. It was scary, but I survived.

One Deputy had me locked up in an isolation cell because I did not follow his purposely convoluted instructions.

I have ABI (brain injury) and it’s normally difficult for me to follow verbal instructions. Especially, if they are barked in a loud, menacing tone.

This is not surprising at all because it’s the norm for law enforcement and prosecutors. My very first court appearance (ever in my life) the prosecutor from Santa Clara County, Mr. Charles Gillingham, pointed me out in the courtroom and loudly told of my charges while facing the gen pop prisoners. I was seated with the general population prisoners and was going to have to ride the elevator unsupervised with them. Needless to say, I was scared —-less! Fortunately, nothing happened and while in custody I was housed with other undesirables. The behavior of those deputies is commonplace, and I hope each one gets sued, loses their fat pensions, their jobs, their homes and families. Perhaps then they will understand…

Well, I have no doubt the mans story is credible. The scariest part of this story is that he was arrested for something that supposedly occurred 12 years earlier? I mean, someone can just go to the police station and accuse you of something and they will arrest you? No evidence? What if they are lying? Proof? Evidence? That’s scary. Furthermore, I spent a little time in LA County Jail over 20 years ago and I was disturbed by what I saw. I saw people abused, struck, people being refused medical care, deputies taking advantage of inmates and clearly lack if supervision of deputies. The scary part was that the deputies typically working in the jail are newly hired? When I was released, I had a new perspective on life. The deputies where no better than the inmates they supervised. I believe that if officers where prosecuted for their conduct, this wouldn’t continue to occur. !

Why isn’t this story being convered by any conventional news sources? This is a huge story, but I suspect that the REAL reason is that if it is publicized, then the authorities would be forced to take more measures to sensibly protect inmates. In addition, there is an overwhelming acceptance by the sheeple to permit violence against potential registrants in prison, so that would be damaging to their pre-conceived notions.

Yes charges need to be brought against those officers involved anything short of that is unacceptable.

MCH – The same thing happened to my loved one in his first, ever in his life, court appearance. Every other individual in court who had charges against them were asked in the penal code numbers, “how do you plead.” Not so with my loved one. The judge boldly and loudly read the charges specifically stating the sex offense against him. Fortunately, for my loved one he had already posted bail. After talking to the sheriff’s deputy the day after his arrest, but before posting bail, I was informed that if bail was not posted by a certain time, law enforcement would be forced to return him to the general population and that they could not guarantee his safety if placed there. When he was incarcerated in the county jail after taking a plea deal he was held in protected custody with all those people who were turning state’s evidence. His attorney, when asked about his safety should he be jailed in the general population, advised him to lie and never admit to the actual charges. What does that tell you? This is a common everyday concern for any individual incarcerated for a sex offense. The sad fact is that law enforcement, in general, couldn’t care less about the safety of their prisoners. All they are after is their paycheck.

We have all been convicted of a hate crime , the hate in this is against us . There are no more legitimate groups to hate . Gays , Hispanics , Blacks , Women etc are hands off as far is being discriminated and hated . The RSOs are the only legally unprotected group that you can punch and kick down and vent all of your hate towards.